My Writen Painted felt Authobiography ;)

Posts tagged “society

the Actress

Windows reflecting her image distorted of how she feels she is,
as memories come to her mind suddenly.

she left
This walk was a never-ending roller-coaster
who was she without that mask?

….the best actress is not the authentic but the ticket seller

what do you do when you dont know what to do but still have to do it?
unclear is the surface of the tangible ground when mostly what you see is just part of the script.

Uncertain of directions perceiving a void when the known is far away and there’s no wall to lay on.

What if heart chooses, and mind is in disagreement?
Excuse me Sir, where is this life’s manual?
I dont want to go against the law
but … what if it makes me happy not to please anyone else?
This sadness is brought by the uncertainty of path
the rate race of dreams that walk without direction….
How can we feel fulfilled
How can we fly up high and feel alive?
How can we feel purposed even when nobody else sees that in us?
she feels alone
she feels non understood
where can she go….?